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Tageskurse im Bollingerband + AVG20


Signale vom 2023-09-11 SYM symb KSM
KSM Info KSM BOLO 2023-09-1117.76 $17.77 $
KSM Info KSM RAPIDLO 2023-09-1118.52 $-4.10 $
KSM Info KSM BOLO 2023-08-2219.31 $19.35 $
Legende Signalbezeichnungen
Links shortcut, rechts Kurzform Bedeutung
BOLO Bollingerband Ausbruch LOW
BOHI Bollingerband Ausbruch HIGH
RAPIDLO Massives Fallen in Zeiteinheit
RAPIDHI Massives Steigen in Zeiteinheit
DEATHCROSS Todeskreuz, kreuzt AVG50 von Oben
AVGHI Goldenes Kreuz, kreuzt AVG50 von unten

Wo kannst du diesen Coin kaufen? Handelsplätze;

Handelsplatz verfügbar

Handelsplätze: Binance, Mandala Exchange, OKEx, FTX und Kraken

KSM Info
Die Seite des Coins: Coinpage
Whitepaper zum Coin: Whitepaper
Link zum Blockexplorer: Blockexplorer
Kusama is a network built as a risk-taking, fast-moving 'canary in the coal mine' for its cousin Polkadot. It's a living platform built for change agents to take back control, spark innovation and disrupt the status quo. It is an early unaudited release of the code that is available first and holds real economic value. For developers, Kusama is a proving ground for runtime upgrades, on-chain governance, and parachains.

Kurs im Tagesverlauf

Stunden Symb

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